I just spent some time on LinkedIn because I heard it's the best social network. It's never been my jam, and based on today, it never will be my jam.
North by Northwest (1959)

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Catching Up
I really need to catch up around here. No writing here for a full calendar month is bad. so, let me catch up by posting some thoughts on a few recent movies I’ve seen.
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Donald Trump is convicted of 34 felonies
LOL. Make every Republican own this.
Good news, though. The number of counts he’s under indictment for is down to 54!
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Run Lola Run is coming to theaters
I recently saw this for the first time a few weeks ago and seeing it in theaters might make my heart explode. Phenomenal movie.
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Civil War (2024)

We took our first electric road trip
We took a trip down what might be the sketchiest corridor in the west for EV chargers and survived.
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Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

I am having a really hard time with this movie.
I didn’t like it. I might come around on it over time, but that initial viewing and the ending somewhat made me cringe. The message felt like Barry was being rewarded with the girl he really wants just because he needs it. But he’s violent! He thrashed the bathroom in the restaurant with her out at the table waiting! He’s bad and need desperately to get himself some help!
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