Journalists can take control, they just need the tools
I can’t help but think that with the recent revelation that Substack will not ban nazis, and the movement that it was in response to, and the subsequent follow-through by the Substackers Against Nazis, we’re at another point in the social media timeline where the people who are doing the work of journalism, independently, really, really need the tools to go fully independent.
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Clash of the Titans (1981)

Man, this thing kind of holds up. I went in thinking it’d be totally crap and dated, but it’s not all that bad. In fact, it’s pretty cool.
This was another childhood favorite. I realize more than ever how much I gravitated toward these super dude-driven ego movies, but a few of them are more than total camp. This one is kinda there. Here’s why
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Arthur Christmas (2011)

Awesome surprise. I hadn’t heard of this movie until about five minutes before hitting Play, and had no idea even then what it was going to be. It was great! The cast is filled with great voices and the movie has really great jokes.
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Tags: sarah smith | bill nighy | holiday movie | jim broadbent | james mcavoy | arthur christmas | hugh laurie
A billion dollars
I am going to take a lot of heat in the very limited circles I talk baseball in the near future. The Dodgers have committed over a billion dollars to two players for the next decade.
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Colorado State Supreme Court bars Donald Trump from 2024 ballot
But, you know, the United States Supreme Court still has a say, so America is probably still fucked.
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Charlie Chaplin

As I undertook this plan to familiarize myself with a wide range of movies, I knew I’d eventually have to grapple with silent films. Enter Charlie Chaplin.
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Blade Runner (1982)

Since listening to a review of this on We Hate Movies a couple of weeks ago, I have been itching to watch this. My problem was that I only had a DVD copy, which I thought was really difficult to follow. The picture quality made the movie really, really dreary, which made me drowsy every time I watched. So, after a week or so of thinking about this, I ordered a copy of The Final Cut in 4K. It’s a movie I should own, so I figured now is as good a time as any to grab it.
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On the Waterfront (1954)

I’m a bit torn by this and not sure if I even know enough to form an opinion on Elia Kazan.
I watched this without having any idea of the context. I prefer that if I can do it. Then I like to read up and at least form a basic picture of the world in which the movie was made. The message here was a very strong one—anti-corruption, power to the workers over those who have power. Plus, the opportunity to do something both righteous and empowering because of its righteousness.
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Miller's Crossing (1990)

I was taken in by this movie. I think about 30 minutes in I stopped writing notes down because I didn’t want to stop the movie. A gangster noir with all the right characters, played exquisitely, with a pretty great wrap.
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