Privacy Information

I collect minimal information:

  • I use a URL shortener (YOURLs) that I run on my own server. I track clicks on links that I shorten for no reason other than curiosity.
  • My webhost uses AWStats for reporting. I don’t use it, but it’s there
  • My CMS, Textpattern, has visitor logs. I log only visits from referring sites so I can see where people came from
  • I don’t have comments, so there is nowhere for you to put information in to send to me on the site, other than a search query

I offer a link to email me with a reply to any article I post. If you do so, please know that whatever you email me is not private, and I may share it here on the site, either appended to the article you wrote about, or as its own piece that I may comment on. If you email me, I will probably share it, so be advised.

That’s as much as I can confidently say right now. This site is a personal blog that is meant for me. I hope you find it interesting and want to read it, but know that when you come here, it’s for that and that’s what I care about. I’m not selling you or anything else here, and I’m doing everything in my power to keep your visit anonymous.

You can always email me with any questions.